وظائف الكويت اليوم 7-12-2022 من داخل الكويت معظم التخصصات ولجميع الجنسيات المتوجده بالكويت
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وظائف الكويت اليوم |
مطلوب وظائف اليوم من داخل الكويت في عده تخصصات من ابرازها التالي
مطلوب مهندس مدني
- خبرة بالتشطيب
- خبرة في التعامل مع أوتوكاد وثري دي ماكس
- يفضل لديه عضوية جمعية المهندسين
- لديه رخصة وسيارة
- إقامة قابلة للتحويل مادة (18)
- تتحمل الشركة البنزين
إرسال السيرة الذاتية واتس آب:
مطلوب موظف إستقبال لمنتجع سياحي كويتي
- من داخل الكويت
- من جميع الجنسيات
- العمل 8 ساعات
- الراتب 250 دينار قابل للزيادة
- السن لا يتجاوز 30 سنة
- إقامة مادة 18/22 قابلة للتحويل
تُرسل السير الذاتية واتس آب:
مطلوب مدير مبيعات لشركة كويتية
- خبرة كبيرة عشر سنين بالمجال
- ملم بالسوق الكويتي
- لديه علاقات عمل واسعة
- لديه رخصة قيادة سارية
- من أي جنسية
- إقامة 18
للتواصل من خلال الأرقام التالية: 98988075 - 97366772
مطلوب سكرتيرة لشركة مقاولات كويتية
- خبرة في المجال
- ملمة بأمور شركات المقاولات
- متابعة العملاء
- تجيد تنظيم العمل
- التعامل مع ميكروسوفت أوفيس
- لديها إقامة قابلة للتحويل
يُرجي التواصل على الرقم:
مطلوب مندوب عام لشركة كويتية متخصصة بالتجهيزات الغذائية
مطلوب مهندس مدني
- خبرة بالتشطيب
- خبرة في التعامل مع أوتوكاد وثري دي ماكس
- يفضل لديه عضوية جمعية المهندسين
- لديه رخصة وسيارة
- إقامة قابلة للتحويل مادة (18)
- تتحمل الشركة البنزين
إرسال السيرة الذاتية واتس آب:
مطلوب موظف إستقبال لمنتجع سياحي كويتي
- من داخل الكويت
- من جميع الجنسيات
- العمل 8 ساعات
- الراتب 250 دينار قابل للزيادة
- السن لا يتجاوز 30 سنة
- إقامة مادة 18/22 قابلة للتحويل
تُرسل السير الذاتية واتس آب:
مطلوب مدير مبيعات لشركة كويتية
- خبرة كبيرة عشر سنين بالمجال
- ملم بالسوق الكويتي
- لديه علاقات عمل واسعة
- لديه رخصة قيادة سارية
- من أي جنسية
- إقامة 18
للتواصل من خلال الأرقام التالية: 98988075 - 97366772
مطلوب مهندس مدني
- خبرة بالتشطيب
- خبرة في التعامل مع أوتوكاد وثري دي ماكس
- يفضل لديه عضوية جمعية المهندسين
- لديه رخصة وسيارة
- إقامة قابلة للتحويل مادة (18)
- تتحمل الشركة البنزين
إرسال السيرة الذاتية واتس آب:
مطلوب موظف إستقبال لمنتجع سياحي كويتي
- من داخل الكويت
- من جميع الجنسيات
- العمل 8 ساعات
- الراتب 250 دينار قابل للزيادة
- السن لا يتجاوز 30 سنة
- إقامة مادة 18/22 قابلة للتحويل
تُرسل السير الذاتية واتس آب:
مطلوب مدير مبيعات لشركة كويتية
- خبرة كبيرة عشر سنين بالمجال
- ملم بالسوق الكويتي
- لديه علاقات عمل واسعة
- لديه رخصة قيادة سارية
- من أي جنسية
- إقامة 18
للتواصل من خلال الأرقام التالية: 98988075 - 97366772
مطلوب مدير مبيعات لشركة كويتية
- خبرة كبيرة عشر سنين بالمجال
- ملم بالسوق الكويتي
- لديه علاقات عمل واسعة
- لديه رخصة قيادة سارية
- من أي جنسية
- إقامة 18
للتواصل من خلال الأرقام التالية: 98988075 - 97366772
مطلوب مندوب عام لشركة كويتية متخصصة بالتجهيزات الغذائية
مطلوب للتوظيف في شركة خدمات :
سائقين براتب ثابت + عمولة
لديهم معرفة تامة بمناطق الكويت خبرة من ٢-٥ سنوات
لديه رخصة قيادة صالحة
اقامة عمل (١٨) قابلة للتحويل
برجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل
سائقين براتب ثابت + عمولة
لديهم معرفة تامة بمناطق الكويت خبرة من ٢-٥ سنوات
لديه رخصة قيادة صالحة
اقامة عمل (١٨) قابلة للتحويل
برجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل
مطلوب لشركة تكييف كبرى بالكويت
- مناديب تكييف ( اناث )
شرط وجود سيارة و خبرة بالمجال و إقامة قابلة للتحويل
يتم تحديد الراتب بعد المقابلة
يرجى ارسال ال c.v على رقم 95500503
: او ايميل الشركة
مطلوب لكبري شركات الحلويات من داخل كويت فقط الوظائف الآتيه :-
- موظف مبيعات ( من الجنسين)
- موظف خدمه عملاء ( من الجنسين)
- بارستا ( من الجنسين)
- يشترط تحويل الاقامه فوري
- حسن المظهر
- الخبره لا تقل عن سنه
- العمر لا يزيد عن ٣٠ سنه
للتواصل واتس اب فقط لا يوجد اتصال :- 60930815
خدمة توصيل مدرسين او موظفين جمعيات من الساعه ٤ العصر حتي الساعه ١ بعد منتصف الليل
سيارة حديثه للتوصيل لأي منطقه ف الكويت
رقم التواصل /66542520
توصيل مدرسين وطلاب وموظفين جميع مناطق الكويت 50505843
مطلوب مصمم
مطلوب لمدرسة مقرها قي السالمية :-
امين/ امينة مكتبة
موظف /موظفة شؤون طلبة
اخصائي /اخصائية نفسية
اخصائي/اخصائية اجتماعية
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على :-
مطلوب سكرتيرة لمكتب هندسي بشرق
خبرة بالمكاتب الهندسية
الدوام من الساعة 8 الي الساعة 2
للتواصل 66256740
- مصنف إطفاء
- خبرة بالمجال
- يفضل عضوية جمعية المهندسين الكويتية
- من أي جنسية
- رخصة قيادة سارية
- إقامة قابلة للتحويل
التقديم بإرسال السيرة الذاتية على:
مطلوب محاسب
- التعيين من الكويت فقط
- لديه مؤهل جامعي محاسبة
- لديه خبرة لا تقل عن سبع سنوات
- يتقن التعامل مع برنامج (أودو)
- يفضل من الجنسيات العربية
- لغة إنجليزية جيدة
- إقامة 18
إرسال السيرة الذاتية على الواتس آب:
مطلوب مشرف لشركة أثاث كويتية في حاجة لتعيين
- الإشراف على التصنيع بمصنع الشركة والتسليم والتركيب بالداخل والخارج
- متابعة الطلبات وحركة الإنجاز بالمصنع
- لديه رخصة
- جامعي
- الخبرة العملية خمس سنوات
- العمل من 8 - 5 مساءً
- شرط تحويل الإقامة
- الراتب مجزي قابل للتفاوض
للتواصل من خلال:
مطلوب الوظائف التالية:
1- مدربة لياقة بدنية
2- موظفة مركز إتصال
3- موظفة إستقبال
- من الكويت فقط
- خبرة في نفس مجال الوظيفة المطلوبة
- إقامة 18 قابلة للتحويل
تُرسل السير الذاتية واتس آب فقط:
مطلوب أخصائيات للعمل في مركز تأهيل لذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة
- من داخل الكويت
- خبرة في نفس المجال
- جميع الجنسيات
- دوام جزئي 4 ساعات
- يفضل إمكانية الإنضمام بأقرب وقت
- مكان العمل: منطقة صباح الأحمد
للتواصل من خلال الرقم التالي:
مطلوب مهندسين معماريين بارت تايم خبرة في إعداد المخططات التنفيذية ويفضل من لديه خبرة سابقة في مشاريع حاصلة علي شهادة LEED
يرجي ارسال السيرة الذاتية علي واتساب
مطلوب الوظائف التالية لنادي رياضي
1- مدير فني رياضي
- خبرة 5 سنين بالتدريبات والنوادي الصحية بشكل عام
- إجادة الإنجليزية
- إقامة قابلة للتحويل
2- موظفين إستقبال
- إقامة قابلة للتحويل
- إجادة الإنجليزية
التقديم فقط بإرسال السيرة الذاتية واتس آب:
مطلوب للتعيين مـحـاسـب خبرة
- خبرة عملية ٢٠ سنة في المجال وخاصة قوانين الضريبة وقوانين وقرارات الجهات الرقابية
- شهادة جامعية في المحاسبة
- القدرة على تحليل الميزانية التقديرية والحساب الختامي
- القدرة على تقديم الدورات و الاستشارات والدراسات المالية
- تقديم الحلول للمنازعات المالية
- يفضل خبرة في العمل الحكومي داخل دولة الكويت
- يفضل شهادة مساندة في القانون او الادارة او التنمية الادارية
- يفضل المام بقانون وتطبيقات المناقصات الحكومية
إرسال السيرة الذاتية على الإيميل:
مركز تعليمي كويتي بحاجة لتعيين سكرتيرة
- خبرة بالمجال
- الدوام من الساعة 3 حتي 9 مساءً
- شرط القدرة علي حل المشكلات
- اللباقة في معاملة أولياء الأمور
- ملمة تماماً بالكمبيوتر
- مكان العمل: منطقة مشرف
تُرسل السيرة الذاتية على الرقم:
مطلوب مدرسات لغة عربية لحضانة
- من داخل الكويت فقط
- يفضل جامعيات
- خبرة في نفس المجال
- من أي جنسية
- العمل من الساعة 4 حتى 7 مساءً
- مكان العمل: منطقة جابر العلي
للتواصل على الواتس آب:
مطلوب لمكتب محاماة الوظائف التالية:
1- محامي
- من الجنسين
- خبرة في نفس المجال
2- مندوب تنفيذ
- خبرة لاتقل عن خمس سنوات في تنفيذ إدارة العاصمة
- رخصة قيادة سارية
ترسل السيرة الذاتية واتس آب للرقم:
مطلوب سكرتيرة
- جامعية
- لديها خبرة سابقة في نفس المجال
- تتقن الإنجليزية
- الراتب: 300 دينار
- إقامة 18 قابلة للتحويل:
- العنوان: منطقة السالمية
يُرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية من خلال البريد الإلكتروني التالي:
مطلوب محاسب
- التعيين من داخل وخارج الكويت
- خبرة في نفس المجال
- إقامة قابلة للتحويل
- من الجنسية الأردنية أو الفلسطينية أو الباكستانية
- لغة إنجليزية جيدة
- ملم في إستخدام البرامج المحاسبية
إرسال السيرة الذاتية الى:
مطلوب للتعيين مـحـاسـب خبرة
- خبرة عملية ٢٠ سنة في المجال وخاصة قوانين الضريبة وقوانين وقرارات الجهات الرقابية
- شهادة جامعية في المحاسبة
- القدرة على تحليل الميزانية التقديرية والحساب الختامي
- القدرة على تقديم الدورات و الاستشارات والدراسات المالية
- تقديم الحلول للمنازعات المالية
- يفضل خبرة في العمل الحكومي داخل دولة الكويت
- يفضل شهادة مساندة في القانون او الادارة او التنمية الادارية
- يفضل المام بقانون وتطبيقات المناقصات الحكومية
إرسال السيرة الذاتية على الإيميل:
❤️ لمزيد من الوظائف تابعنا علي تليجرام 💚👇
Vehicle Showroom in Al Rai has the following vacancies:
1. Salesmen
- 600 KD + commission
- Min 3 years’ experience in same field b
2. Female Executive Secretary
- 650 KD
- Min 3 years’ experience
3. Showroom Manager
- 900 KD a. Min 5 years’ experience
- Must be able to communicate in Arabic
Please forward your resume to:
Chalhoub Group is seeking to recruit: Sales Supervisor – Nars (Kuwait)
• Communicate with Retailers to assess their needs and provide assistance in satisfying those needs
• Address Retailers’ queries about products, prices, availability, product uses, and services
• Cascade and distribute monthly sales target by POS
• Conduct store visits to monitor POS performance and adherence to SOP
• Supervise the sales process by following up on orders, deliveries (and collections)
• Ensure that payment and collection of receivables is done in a timely manner
Required: a Facility Maintenance Engineer required
• From Kuwait only
• 1-3 years of experience in the same role
• Perfect English language communication skills
• Good recruiting skill and resources Salary 400 - 500 KWD
• Any nationality
• Transferable visa 18 only
If you are interested, please share your updated CV to:
Alghanim Industries is hiring now: Administrative Officer
• Must be a graduate; degree in Business Administration preferred
• Strong command of English; preferably also Arabic
• Experience in similar positions
• Ability to work in stressful situations
• Must be proactive and personable
• Excellent time management skills
• Expertise in using Microsoft Office applications including Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook
• Strong organizational skills, detail orientation and ability to handle multiple priorities
Hiring: Purchase Coordinator
• Managing inventories and maintaining accurate purchase and pricing records
• Maintaining and updating supplier information such as qualifications, delivery times, product ranges, etc.
• Maintaining good supplier relations and negotiating contracts
• Researching and evaluating prospective suppliers
• Preparing budgets, cost analyses, and reports.
• Preparing plans for the purchase of equipment, services, and supplies
Send your CV to:
A reputed Italian style Restaurant Co. is looking for a Call Center Agent
- Any nationality
- Work Location: Shuwaikh
- Able to join immediately
- Minimum 2 years experience
- Excellent communication skills
- Transferable visa
Interest candidates may please send their Cvs at:
Required for Talabat Co.: a Director of Logistics – Kuwait
• Minimum of 7+ years of Logistics experience in Food or a multinational branded corporate with focus on light Logistics operations.
• Strong communication skills in English both verbal and written.
• Must have a strong analytical and mathematical skills and high level of computer literacy.
• Must have previous experience in a managerial role leading a team with the ability to bring out the best in co-workers and to motivate and develop the organization.
• Developing and implementing action plans including providing clear direction and following up on goals.
Vectrus Company (Kuwait) has an opening for the role: Senior HR Generalist
• High School Diploma or Degree in Human Resource, Business, or related field or equivalent experience
• Graduate degree in a Human Resource discipline is preferred but not required
• Certifications for Human Resource Professionals (PHR, SPHR) preferred
• Valid driver's license with satisfactory driving record within company required standards preferred
• 4 years of experience in Human Resources. Strong background working with Government contracts in an OCONUS environment, and a diverse/multi-national workforce preferred.
• Knowledge of recruitment trends, technologies, and staffing/employment practices
Required: a Facility Maintenance Engineer required
• From Kuwait only
• 1-3 years of experience in the same role
• Perfect English language communication skills
• Good recruiting skill and resources Salary 400 - 500 KWD
• Any nationality
• Transferable visa 18 only
If you are interested, please share your updated CV to:
Alghanim Industries is hiring now: Administrative Officer
• Must be a graduate; degree in Business Administration preferred
• Strong command of English; preferably also Arabic
• Experience in similar positions
• Ability to work in stressful situations
• Must be proactive and personable
• Excellent time management skills
• Expertise in using Microsoft Office applications including Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook
• Strong organizational skills, detail orientation and ability to handle multiple priorities
Hiring: Purchase Coordinator
• Managing inventories and maintaining accurate purchase and pricing records
• Maintaining and updating supplier information such as qualifications, delivery times, product ranges, etc.
• Maintaining good supplier relations and negotiating contracts
• Researching and evaluating prospective suppliers
• Preparing budgets, cost analyses, and reports.
• Preparing plans for the purchase of equipment, services, and supplies
Send your CV to:
A reputed Italian style Restaurant Co. is looking for a Call Center Agent
- Any nationality
- Work Location: Shuwaikh
- Able to join immediately
- Minimum 2 years experience
- Excellent communication skills
- Transferable visa
Interest candidates may please send their Cvs at:
Required for Talabat Co.: a Director of Logistics – Kuwait
• Minimum of 7+ years of Logistics experience in Food or a multinational branded corporate with focus on light Logistics operations.
• Strong communication skills in English both verbal and written.
• Must have a strong analytical and mathematical skills and high level of computer literacy.
• Must have previous experience in a managerial role leading a team with the ability to bring out the best in co-workers and to motivate and develop the organization.
• Developing and implementing action plans including providing clear direction and following up on goals.
Vectrus Company (Kuwait) has an opening for the role: Senior HR Generalist
• High School Diploma or Degree in Human Resource, Business, or related field or equivalent experience
• Graduate degree in a Human Resource discipline is preferred but not required
• Certifications for Human Resource Professionals (PHR, SPHR) preferred
• Valid driver's license with satisfactory driving record within company required standards preferred
• 4 years of experience in Human Resources. Strong background working with Government contracts in an OCONUS environment, and a diverse/multi-national workforce preferred.
• Knowledge of recruitment trends, technologies, and staffing/employment practices
Required: a Facility Maintenance Engineer required
• From Kuwait only
• 1-3 years of experience in the same role
• Perfect English language communication skills
• Good recruiting skill and resources Salary 400 - 500 KWD
• Any nationality
• Transferable visa 18 only
If you are interested, please share your updated CV to:
Alghanim Industries is hiring now: Administrative Officer
• Must be a graduate; degree in Business Administration preferred
• Strong command of English; preferably also Arabic
• Experience in similar positions
• Ability to work in stressful situations
• Must be proactive and personable
• Excellent time management skills
• Expertise in using Microsoft Office applications including Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook
• Strong organizational skills, detail orientation and ability to handle multiple priorities
Hiring: Purchase Coordinator
• Managing inventories and maintaining accurate purchase and pricing records
• Maintaining and updating supplier information such as qualifications, delivery times, product ranges, etc.
• Maintaining good supplier relations and negotiating contracts
• Researching and evaluating prospective suppliers
• Preparing budgets, cost analyses, and reports.
• Preparing plans for the purchase of equipment, services, and supplies
Send your CV to:
A reputed Italian style Restaurant Co. is looking for a Call Center Agent
- Any nationality
- Work Location: Shuwaikh
- Able to join immediately
- Minimum 2 years experience
- Excellent communication skills
- Transferable visa
Interest candidates may please send their Cvs at:
Required for Talabat Co.: a Director of Logistics – Kuwait
• Minimum of 7+ years of Logistics experience in Food or a multinational branded corporate with focus on light Logistics operations.
• Strong communication skills in English both verbal and written.
• Must have a strong analytical and mathematical skills and high level of computer literacy.
• Must have previous experience in a managerial role leading a team with the ability to bring out the best in co-workers and to motivate and develop the organization.
• Developing and implementing action plans including providing clear direction and following up on goals.
Vectrus Company (Kuwait) has an opening for the role: Senior HR Generalist
• High School Diploma or Degree in Human Resource, Business, or related field or equivalent experience
• Graduate degree in a Human Resource discipline is preferred but not required
• Certifications for Human Resource Professionals (PHR, SPHR) preferred
• Valid driver's license with satisfactory driving record within company required standards preferred
• 4 years of experience in Human Resources. Strong background working with Government contracts in an OCONUS environment, and a diverse/multi-national workforce preferred.
• Knowledge of recruitment trends, technologies, and staffing/employment practices
Required: a Facility Maintenance Engineer required
• From Kuwait only
• 1-3 years of experience in the same role
• Perfect English language communication skills
• Good recruiting skill and resources Salary 400 - 500 KWD
• Any nationality
• Transferable visa 18 only
If you are interested, please share your updated CV to:
Alghanim Industries is hiring now: Administrative Officer
• Must be a graduate; degree in Business Administration preferred
• Strong command of English; preferably also Arabic
• Experience in similar positions
• Ability to work in stressful situations
• Must be proactive and personable
• Excellent time management skills
• Expertise in using Microsoft Office applications including Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook
• Strong organizational skills, detail orientation and ability to handle multiple priorities
Hiring: Purchase Coordinator
• Managing inventories and maintaining accurate purchase and pricing records
• Maintaining and updating supplier information such as qualifications, delivery times, product ranges, etc.
• Maintaining good supplier relations and negotiating contracts
• Researching and evaluating prospective suppliers
• Preparing budgets, cost analyses, and reports.
• Preparing plans for the purchase of equipment, services, and supplies
Send your CV to:
A reputed Italian style Restaurant Co. is looking for a Call Center Agent
- Any nationality
- Work Location: Shuwaikh
- Able to join immediately
- Minimum 2 years experience
- Excellent communication skills
- Transferable visa
Interest candidates may please send their Cvs at:
Required for Talabat Co.: a Director of Logistics – Kuwait
• Minimum of 7+ years of Logistics experience in Food or a multinational branded corporate with focus on light Logistics operations.
• Strong communication skills in English both verbal and written.
• Must have a strong analytical and mathematical skills and high level of computer literacy.
• Must have previous experience in a managerial role leading a team with the ability to bring out the best in co-workers and to motivate and develop the organization.
• Developing and implementing action plans including providing clear direction and following up on goals.
Vectrus Company (Kuwait) has an opening for the role: Senior HR Generalist
• High School Diploma or Degree in Human Resource, Business, or related field or equivalent experience
• Graduate degree in a Human Resource discipline is preferred but not required
• Certifications for Human Resource Professionals (PHR, SPHR) preferred
• Valid driver's license with satisfactory driving record within company required standards preferred
• 4 years of experience in Human Resources. Strong background working with Government contracts in an OCONUS environment, and a diverse/multi-national workforce preferred.
• Knowledge of recruitment trends, technologies, and staffing/employment practices
Required: a Facility Maintenance Engineer required
• From Kuwait only
• 1-3 years of experience in the same role
• Perfect English language communication skills
• Good recruiting skill and resources Salary 400 - 500 KWD
• Any nationality
• Transferable visa 18 only
If you are interested, please share your updated CV to:
Alghanim Industries is hiring now: Administrative Officer
• Must be a graduate; degree in Business Administration preferred
• Strong command of English; preferably also Arabic
• Experience in similar positions
• Ability to work in stressful situations
• Must be proactive and personable
• Excellent time management skills
• Expertise in using Microsoft Office applications including Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook
• Strong organizational skills, detail orientation and ability to handle multiple priorities
Hiring: Purchase Coordinator
• Managing inventories and maintaining accurate purchase and pricing records
• Maintaining and updating supplier information such as qualifications, delivery times, product ranges, etc.
• Maintaining good supplier relations and negotiating contracts
• Researching and evaluating prospective suppliers
• Preparing budgets, cost analyses, and reports.
• Preparing plans for the purchase of equipment, services, and supplies
Send your CV to:
A reputed Italian style Restaurant Co. is looking for a Call Center Agent
- Any nationality
- Work Location: Shuwaikh
- Able to join immediately
- Minimum 2 years experience
- Excellent communication skills
- Transferable visa
Interest candidates may please send their Cvs at:
Required for Talabat Co.: a Director of Logistics – Kuwait
• Minimum of 7+ years of Logistics experience in Food or a multinational branded corporate with focus on light Logistics operations.
• Strong communication skills in English both verbal and written.
• Must have a strong analytical and mathematical skills and high level of computer literacy.
• Must have previous experience in a managerial role leading a team with the ability to bring out the best in co-workers and to motivate and develop the organization.
• Developing and implementing action plans including providing clear direction and following up on goals.
Vectrus Company (Kuwait) has an opening for the role: Senior HR Generalist
• High School Diploma or Degree in Human Resource, Business, or related field or equivalent experience
• Graduate degree in a Human Resource discipline is preferred but not required
• Certifications for Human Resource Professionals (PHR, SPHR) preferred
• Valid driver's license with satisfactory driving record within company required standards preferred
• 4 years of experience in Human Resources. Strong background working with Government contracts in an OCONUS environment, and a diverse/multi-national workforce preferred.
• Knowledge of recruitment trends, technologies, and staffing/employment practices
Required for the Commercial Bank of Kuwait: Officer/ Senior Officer - Customer Complaints & Protection Unit
Job Description:
• Receives and records customer’s contractual complaints whether in person, email or through the branch.
• Investigate and follow up with concerned departments/ divisions to provide a feedback or resolve customer complaint.
• Prepares correspondence for customers whose complaints have been addressed which the Manager shall review and sign; further, in lieu of cases being delayed.
• Liaises with legal division for all complaints, ensuring the prepared response to the customer is legally protects the interest of the Bank.
• Aides Manager/ supervisor in ensuring all front liners in Branches, Call Centers and Direct Sales, are aware of the Customer Complaints Unit and have been accordingly trained with the Bank’s approved service standards.
A well reputed trading & contracting company is looking for Sales Engineers
- Engineering degree
- Having sales experience with Diesel Generators/batteries/ups systems
- Any nationality
- Candidates should be with 18 number transferrable visa
- Kuwait Driving License (or eligible to get Kuwait driving license)
- Can join ASAP
Interest candidates can apply through:
Looking for a Web Developer
- Fresh Graduated, or 1 to 2 Years of Kuwait Experience
- Bachelor's degree in computer science, system engineering, information technology, or related fields
- HTML5, CSS, JAVA Script
- IoT devices background
- Good Communication skills
- Fast Learner & Team Worker
- Transferable Kuwait Residency Article 18 is a must
Please email your CV to:
Worley Parsons Co. (Kuwait) has a new vacancy for the role: Principal Civil/ Structural Engineer
• Overall supervision of structural engineers.
• Structural design integrity of work scope and maintenance of standards.
• Identify structural software necessary to enable structural group to function effectively.
• Manage structural engineering design and any design changes within budget and schedule.
• Technical supervision of project designated structural designers and draftsmen in the execution of their duties.
• Quality Assurance – Responsible for working within the provisions and guidelines of the Quality Assurance system relevant to the BU, etc
• Safety – Responsible for personal safety safe working practices for the BU, etc. Understand and follow OH&S procedures.
• Cost / budget KPIs for design work.
• Conduct site investigations, prepare reports
Urgently required the following jobs for a company in London UK
1- HVAC Technicians
2- Pump Technicians / Plumbers
- Salary between £25K-40K annually based on experience
- ITI or Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering from a recognized institution
- Minimum 5 years’ experience in maintenance job
- Eligible candidates will have the opportunity to work and settle in the UK with family (children below 18 years)
- Migration visa will be provided
- Delegates from UK will be in Kuwait between 5th Dec to 10 Dec 2022 for interview.
Send CV on email: info@powermanindia.net
Or to WhatsApp: +965-97248001
Required: Fresh Mechanical Site Engineer
- Review shop drawings with the technical office team, method of statements and material submittal
- Follow up with site engineers, supervisors, foremen, and subcontractors
- Follow up the project milestones achievement according to the time schedule set
- Cooperate with the safety engineer regarding the safety issues and precautions on site Prepare weekly and monthly progress report
- Participate in resolving any technical issues may arise
Send your CV to: job@chinawuyi.info
BAT Kuwait Is Looking For a Consumer Engagement Coordinator
Essential Experience, Skills and Knowledge:
• Minimum Bachelor’s degree in relevant field (bi-lingual – Arabic & English - speaking Graduates)
• 1-2 years’ experience in Marketing & Sales, preferably as consumer relations or activation coordinator in another FMCG company
• Consumer-oriented, open-minded, communicative (verbal & written) and assertive
• Pragmatic problem solving
• Good interpersonal skills
• Good presentation skills and attitude to learn
• Proficiency in MS Office computer software (mainly Excel & Power Point)
• Well organized with good time management skills
Hiring Now !! Salon Staff
- Welling to learn
- Transferable visa 18
- Age below 40
- Salary: depends on experience
- Hair styling & cutting, Basics nail work
- Blow dry & wash, Curly and wavy making
Contact WhatsApp No.:
+965 51315141
Hiring Government PR Officer
- Minimum 2 - 5 years of related Experience required
- Willing to join immediately
- Must have Car and valid Kuwait driving license
- Package: 350-400KWD Petrol + phone + sim will be provided
- 2 Days off
- Other benefits as per Kuwait labor law
Send CVs to:
• Bachelor’s Degree or qualified by experience
• Oracle , VMware and ITILv3 certified , AWS / Azure certified
• Minimum 7 years' experience in a similar role
• 5+ years of hands-on experience on Cloud Infrastructure implementation using Azure and AWS platforms.
• Experience in designing and managing AWS and Azure infrastructure in line with business requirements.
• Identify and implement the most optimal cloud-based solutions for the company
• Forecast data growth trends and optimize systems and databases performance
Urgently required the following jobs for a company in London UK
1- HVAC Technicians
2- Pump Technicians / Plumbers
- Salary between £25K-40K annually based on experience
- ITI or Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering from a recognized institution
- Minimum 5 years’ experience in maintenance job
- Eligible candidates will have the opportunity to work and settle in the UK with family (children below 18 years)
- Migration visa will be provided
- Delegates from UK will be in Kuwait between 5th Dec to 10 Dec 2022 for interview.
Send CV on email: info@powermanindia.net
Or to WhatsApp: +965-97248001
Hiring Now !! Salon Staff
- Welling to learn
- Transferable visa 18
- Age below 40
- Salary: depends on experience
- Hair styling & cutting, Basics nail work
- Blow dry & wash, Curly and wavy making
Contact WhatsApp No.:
+965 51315141
Siemens (Kuwait) has an opening for the position: Sales Manager
Requirements and skills:
• Bachelor’s degree in Engineering / IT or related disciplines
• Minimum 5 years of Sales experience with a track record of successful performance preferably in the relevant industry / market.
• Know-How of Regional Business Area for easy framework of customer to build relationship.
• Knowledge of electrical industry, particularly in Software Control and Monitoring System, Planning and Simulation Software and Meter Data Management
• Understanding of the IT/OT landscape of the power systems
• Good understanding of software business process, CRM tool (Salesforce), MS Office tools
• Basic knowledge of commercial fundamentals
• Bachelor’s Degree or qualified by experience
• Oracle , VMware and ITILv3 certified , AWS / Azure certified
• Minimum 7 years' experience in a similar role
• 5+ years of hands-on experience on Cloud Infrastructure implementation using Azure and AWS platforms.
• Experience in designing and managing AWS and Azure infrastructure in line with business requirements.
• Identify and implement the most optimal cloud-based solutions for the company
• Forecast data growth trends and optimize systems and databases performance
Urgently required the following jobs for a company in London UK
1- HVAC Technicians
2- Pump Technicians / Plumbers
- Salary between £25K-40K annually based on experience
- ITI or Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering from a recognized institution
- Minimum 5 years’ experience in maintenance job
- Eligible candidates will have the opportunity to work and settle in the UK with family (children below 18 years)
- Migration visa will be provided
- Delegates from UK will be in Kuwait between 5th Dec to 10 Dec 2022 for interview.
Send CV on email: info@powermanindia.net
Or to WhatsApp: +965-97248001
Hiring Now !! Salon Staff
- Welling to learn
- Transferable visa 18
- Age below 40
- Salary: depends on experience
- Hair styling & cutting, Basics nail work
- Blow dry & wash, Curly and wavy making
Contact WhatsApp No.:
+965 51315141
Siemens (Kuwait) has an opening for the position: Sales Manager
Requirements and skills:
• Bachelor’s degree in Engineering / IT or related disciplines
• Minimum 5 years of Sales experience with a track record of successful performance preferably in the relevant industry / market.
• Know-How of Regional Business Area for easy framework of customer to build relationship.
• Knowledge of electrical industry, particularly in Software Control and Monitoring System, Planning and Simulation Software and Meter Data Management
• Understanding of the IT/OT landscape of the power systems
• Good understanding of software business process, CRM tool (Salesforce), MS Office tools
• Basic knowledge of commercial fundamentals
Required: Accountant
- From inside and outside Kuwait
- 3-5 experience years in the same field
- English, Arabic language
- Transferable visa
- Nationality: Jordan and Pakistan
- Able to cover the keeping, monthly and annual reports
- Familiar with IT, software, and Accounting programs
Send your CV to:
Executive Administrator is required for Vectrus Co. – Kuwait
Minimum Qualifications: Education/Certifications:
• One year related experience may be substituted for one year of education, if degree is required.
• Associate Degree or Business School Certification desired; high school diploma required.
• Requires 4 or more years of relevant, executive-level experience. Must be Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
• Four to five years of related experience.
• Must possess good organizational skills
• Computer proficiency in Microsoft Office Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Word
Required: Admin Assistant
- Any national
- Visa 18 Ahli
- Must be fluent in Kuwaiti Arabic and English
- Recruitment (local/overseas) is a plus
- Call Center experience is a plus but not mandatory
- Must be proficient in MS Office (Excel/Word/ Powerpoint )
- Can handle social media accounts like Facebook/TikTok/IG for applicant sourcing.
Send CVs to: dizonhireprofessional@gmail.com
Medical Company is looking for Sales Executives
- Physiotherapist/ Graduates
- Sales experience in medical or similar fields will be added advantage
- Male/Female can apply
- Driving License is a Must for this job
- Salary 550 to 650 KWD
- Visa 18 transferable
Send CV to mail: medicalkwt@gmail.com
Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait is currently seeking to recruit: a Relationship Manager - Elite Banking
Job Purpose:
• Efficiently manage high worth clients, providing high end services and maximizing profits along with creating good will for the bank
• Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent Certification/Experience in Business Administration and Management
• Minimum 5 years banking sector experience
• Minimum Experience 3 years in Affluent Banking, or in supporting relationship management
• Successful record of supporting major high worth clients
Hiring Now! A Senior Accountant
• Bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, business administration or another related field.
• 5+ years of experience in accounts receivable.
• Familiarity with Accounting Software (SAP).
• Excellent communication, research, problem-solving, and time management skills.
• Able to work under pressure.
• Highly innovative, flexible, and self-directed.
• Excellent attention to detail, professional attitude, reliable.
• Teamwork and collaboration skills.
If interested send your resume to:
Alghanim Industries is looking to hire: IT Specialist - Cloud Technology
- Young , energetic & Smart
- Good experience in MS Excel, inventory Tracking & ERP Background
- Communication skill in English
- Can join immediately
- Transferable visa (Visa 18 Only)
- Education: Graduation
- Hiring : Kuwait Local
Email ID: hrsabih9799@gmail.com
Required for: HSBC Group a Sales Manager, Global Payments Solutions – Kuwait
In order to be successful in this role you need to meet the following requirements:
• University degree and relevant professional qualifications (Cert ICM / CTP).
• At least 5 years’ of professional experience, with proven track record in Sales & Relationship Management.
• Good level of understanding of the cash & treasury management concepts and comprehensive awareness with regards to the digital evolution in the banking sector
• Strong knowledge of local and regional cash management and clearing services, products and techniques.
• Proven record in identifying and meeting customer needs through matching a broad range of products and services
• Excellent time management, planning and organisation skills
Urgently required the following jobs for a company in London UK
1- HVAC Technicians
2- Pump Technicians / Plumbers
- Salary between £25K-40K annually based on experience
- ITI or Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering from a recognized institution
- Minimum 5 years’ experience in maintenance job
- Eligible candidates will have the opportunity to work and settle in the UK with family (children below 18 years)
- Migration visa will be provided
- Delegates from UK will be in Kuwait between 5th Dec to 10 Dec 2022 for interview.
Send CV on email: info@powermanindia.net
Or to WhatsApp: +965-97248001
Hiring Now !! Salon Staff
- Welling to learn
- Transferable visa 18
- Age below 40
- Salary: depends on experience
- Hair styling & cutting, Basics nail work
- Blow dry & wash, Curly and wavy making
Contact WhatsApp No.:
+965 51315141
Required: Accountant
- From inside and outside Kuwait
- 3-5 experience years in the same field
- English, Arabic language
- Transferable visa
- Nationality: Jordan and Pakistan
- Able to cover the keeping, monthly and annual reports
- Familiar with IT, software, and Accounting programs
Send your CV to:
Required: a Logistics Administrator for Chalhoub Group (Kuwait)
- Client Billing and Monthly storage and handling charges.
- Consolidating data for management reporting.
- Coordination with all warehouses for consumable purchases and follow-up the same.
- Coordination with suppliers for consumables and services.
- Monitor & provide the stationeries and amenities for all the warehouses without any deficit.
- Maintain an up to date list of suppliers, which provide the best cost effective services.
- Coordinate between warehouse, office and other department to resolve queries
- Data entry on a daily basis to produce monthly KPIs
Required urgently: a Store Keeper
- Experience should be 2-3 Years at Furniture field
- Should be knowledge in system (Oracle & excel reports)
- Ability to work in flexible shift
- Any nationality
- Visa 18 (Transferrable) Only Acceptable
- Job Location: Kuwait City
Send Email to:
- Good experience in MS Excel, inventory Tracking & ERP Background
- Communication skill in English
- Can join immediately
- Transferable visa (Visa 18 Only)
- Education: Graduation
- Hiring : Kuwait Local
Email ID: hrsabih9799@gmail.com
Required for: HSBC Group a Sales Manager, Global Payments Solutions – Kuwait
In order to be successful in this role you need to meet the following requirements:
• University degree and relevant professional qualifications (Cert ICM / CTP).
• At least 5 years’ of professional experience, with proven track record in Sales & Relationship Management.
• Good level of understanding of the cash & treasury management concepts and comprehensive awareness with regards to the digital evolution in the banking sector
• Strong knowledge of local and regional cash management and clearing services, products and techniques.
• Proven record in identifying and meeting customer needs through matching a broad range of products and services
• Excellent time management, planning and organisation skills
Urgently required the following jobs for a company in London UK
1- HVAC Technicians
2- Pump Technicians / Plumbers
- Salary between £25K-40K annually based on experience
- ITI or Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering from a recognized institution
- Minimum 5 years’ experience in maintenance job
- Eligible candidates will have the opportunity to work and settle in the UK with family (children below 18 years)
- Migration visa will be provided
- Delegates from UK will be in Kuwait between 5th Dec to 10 Dec 2022 for interview.
Send CV on email: info@powermanindia.net
Or to WhatsApp: +965-97248001
Hiring Now !! Salon Staff
- Welling to learn
- Transferable visa 18
- Age below 40
- Salary: depends on experience
- Hair styling & cutting, Basics nail work
- Blow dry & wash, Curly and wavy making
Contact WhatsApp No.:
+965 51315141
Required: Accountant
- From inside and outside Kuwait
- 3-5 experience years in the same field
- English, Arabic language
- Transferable visa
- Nationality: Jordan and Pakistan
- Able to cover the keeping, monthly and annual reports
- Familiar with IT, software, and Accounting programs
Send your CV to:
Required: a Logistics Administrator for Chalhoub Group (Kuwait)
- Client Billing and Monthly storage and handling charges.
- Consolidating data for management reporting.
- Coordination with all warehouses for consumable purchases and follow-up the same.
- Coordination with suppliers for consumables and services.
- Monitor & provide the stationeries and amenities for all the warehouses without any deficit.
- Maintain an up to date list of suppliers, which provide the best cost effective services.
- Coordinate between warehouse, office and other department to resolve queries
- Data entry on a daily basis to produce monthly KPIs
Required urgently: a Store Keeper
- Experience should be 2-3 Years at Furniture field
- Should be knowledge in system (Oracle & excel reports)
- Ability to work in flexible shift
- Any nationality
- Visa 18 (Transferrable) Only Acceptable
- Job Location: Kuwait City
Send Email to:
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